Monday, May 30, 2011

Bodybuilding (Muscle Building) Questions - #7

How much protein do I need?

Not as much as you think but certainly more than the average Joe or Jane. 1.14 grams of protein per pound of body weight is a good guide, though lean body weight should be taken into consideration for a more accurate figure and not total body weight.

How should I take my creatine?

Some people say that creating loading is unnecessary but I like to load creatine 20grams 4 x 5gs daily for 5 days then 5g after training for about 8 weeks.

How can I get motivated to get to the gym?

You're the only person that can make you go to the gym, but bear in mind that the thought of going to gym is much worst than the actual application of going to the gym, once your at the gym you're fine and once you finish a great workout you're glad that you went. Just go ahead and go to the gym regardless of what you think at the time.

How do I stay motivated?

You can stay motivated by writing down everything you do at the gym. Write down your sets reps and weight used so you can see how much progress you are making. You can also change your routine every so often to avoid staleness and keep motivation high. It's also a very good idea yo have training goals and strive towards those goals, and when you reach them you need to set more goals.

Will smoking affect my muscle gains?

Yes it will. Smoking will slow down your progress and keep you from reaching your goals. It's also bad for your health, but you knew that already. I suggest that you try some quit smoking techniques until you find one that works for you.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Bodybuilding (Muscle Building) Questions - #6

How often should I increase the weight?

The ideal rep range for muscle growth is 8 to 12, so if you find yourself getting 12 reps or more no problem then it's time to up the weight to bring you back down to the almost impossible 8 rep sets.

What does intensity mean?

It means how hard you need to work to complete the required action i.e. if your lifting a certain weight and you absolutely struggled to get 8 reps and you wanted so much to quit at 6 but somehow managed 8, that's high intensity. Muscles require a high intensity effort to warrant muscle growth stimulation.

How can I build my stubborn calves?

You need to concentrate more on every rep of every set and get a complete stretch. Don't rush your calf training by just throwing in a few sets at the end of your leg training. Try training them first in the session and use a full range of motion with heavy weight.

How much time does a muscle need to recover?

Muscles usually require from 48 to 72 hours to fully recover from a hard training session. Your nervous system also requires full recovery. It depends on the person’s level of training experience and best recovery practices.

What's the best time to train?

About 2 to 3 hours after you get up out of bed is the best time because hormone levels are high and your back has re-adjusted itself by then, but anytime is a great time to train. It all depends on your daily schedule.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bodybuilding (Muscle Building) Questions - #5

How fast or slow should I perform reps?

You need to ensure that your muscle fibres actually do the work. The reps should not be performed too fast using momentum. Use a Slow and controlled pace that should take you about 2 seconds to raise the weight and 4 seconds to lower the weight, it's also a good idea to pause for 1 second in the extended position. It looks like this 2 1 4. Try various lifting speeds to see which one works best for your goals, you could also try a 3 2 5: 3 seconds to lift, 2 seconds hold and flex on extension and 5 seconds to lower it.

How do I build massive legs?

You need to get off that leg extension machine and learn how to squat correctly. The squat is the king for building massive legs, along with the dead lift and the leg press. If you want massive legs you need to master heavy squats, and heavy standing calf raises. You could try adding super sets to your leg routines with a pre-exhaust technique if you have the weight training experience, if not then straight sets with the squat involved should be enough.

Do I need cardio while building muscle?

Some cardio while on a muscle building course would be beneficial but don't over do it. 20 minutes on the bike or rowing machine before or after a session should be enough.

How many body parts a session?

2 body parts per session is ideal, that way you can fully concentrate on the body parts and put in 100% effort. It drags on a bit if you have to do 3 and 4 body parts a session, the required intensity just won't be there. Keep it at 2 per session.

Should I change my routine?

Yes you should change things around every 8 to 12 weeks for renewed motivation and goal setting, and for a boost in results.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bodybuilding (Muscle Building) Questions - #4

Should I wear a lifting belt?

Some people find lifting belts great while others can't stand them. I would recommend you wear a lifting belt on your heavy sets and on your heavy sets only, like squats, dead lifts, shoulder presses and bent rows.

Should I wear gloves?

You don't really need gloves. It's a matter of personal preference. Some people will tell you that gloves help them lift more weight, while others will tell you that it detracts from their lifting strength. I like to wear gloves because they give me a better grip on the bar.

How many reps for building strength?

To build strength you need to concentrate on low reps with very very heavy weights. Reps should be in the 2 to 6 range and the weight should be heavy enough to only allow you perform 2 to 6 reps. You should always have help on standby when you are lifting like this.

How do I bring out my abs?

To bring out your abs you need to watch your diet closer and cut out all the junk with the empty high calories like cakes and sodas. You could do 3 exercises in tri set style eg: Crunches 1 x 15 then hanging leg raises 1 x 15 then onto lying leg raises 1 x 15 repeat 4 times dropping the reps i.e. 12,10,8s. Rest between sets is as long as it takes you to walk over to the abs exercise area or about 20 seconds rest.

Should women lift weights?

Yes women should definitely lift weights. Lifting weights will be a great help in their weight loss, health or fitness goals. Some women believe they will get huge muscles if they lift weights, this is not true, women don't have enough of the male hormone muscle builder testosterone. Weight lifting is a truly excellent form of exercise not just for men.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Bodybuilding (Muscle Building) Questions - #3

There's a lot of talk about creatine, is it any good?
Yes it is good, it's very good. Creatine increases energy production in the muscle cells so you can lift heavier and for longer. Creatine helps you to quickly gain weight making you stronger, and the more you can lift means the more muscle fibres you can stimulate for muscle growth. It pulls fluid into the muscle cells making you look bigger.

What type of protein powder is the best?
There is no real best when it comes to protein powders but Whey protein isolate (WPI) is a fast acting protein and is better than whey protein concentrate because it is purer and has a higher BV (biological value) around 170 compared to 104 for the concentrate which means that the WPI can be used more efficiently by the body. The higher the BV the better. Egg Protein has a BV of 100. Milk protein i.e. whey and casein has a BV of 85 and Beef Proteins about 75.

When should I take protein shakes?
You should take protein shakes (whey protein) before and after a training session i.e. about 30 minutes before and within 1 hour after. You can take a casein protein last thing at night for a steady flow of amino acids for growth and repair while you sleep. On non-training days you can take the whey protein anytime.

Should I eat anything before bed?
You should not eat anything before bed because it could keep you awake all night, especially if you eat a carbohydrate food. Having said that, you can take a casein protein supplement without your sleep being affected.

How can I speed up recovery?
You can speed up recovery by taking a creatine supplement immediately after a workout and about 40 minutes later take a whey protein supplement, then within an hour after that have a highly nutritious real meal supplemented with vitamins and minerals. Vitamin c and e is great for fast recovery.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bodybuilding (Muscle Building) Questions - #2

Should I warm up?
Yes you should warm up, it is very important that you do, but just don't spend half the day doing so. A few light muscle stretches followed by a couple of light sets of the first exercise you are going to do that day. Then stretch again in between those light sets.

Should I stretch between sets?
You should stretch between sets on your first exercise only. Don't over do the stretching, the idea is to loosen up muscle for heavy lifts, not burn out muscle before you execute heavy lifts.

Should I workout at home or join a gym?
It's a matter of personal preference really. Do you like the gym atmosphere or would you rather the privacy of your own home. 3 questions to consider: Can you really concentrate at home to lift really heavy? have you someone there to help? Have you got enough weights and equipment? If you've answered yes then maybe you could train at home for a while and see how you get on, otherwise I think the gym would be a better option for you.

Do I need a fitness trainer?
You could consider a fitness trainer if you find that no matter what you try to do, you are not getting the results you desire. If you find that you cannot concentrate on your workouts then you could consider hiring a personal trainer for a time.

What supplements do I need for muscle building?
If your diet is perfect then you don't really need supplements to support muscle building, but whose diet is absolutely perfect? When it comes to supplements I find that the basics are great like Whey and casein protein powders, creatine, multivitamin/minerals, vitamin c, Vitamin e and zinc. There are "super supplements" available that you could try out for 8 to 12 weeks but I like to stick to the basics. How far you want to take supplementation depends on the individual's goals.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Bodybuilding (Muscle Building) Questions - #1

How many reps do I need?

How many reps you need to do depends on your goals. As a guideline try and stay within 2 to 6 reps for strength and power, 8 to 12 reps for muscle size and 15 to 20 reps for endurance. If your goal is to build muscle then your reps range should be around 8 to 12 reps i.e. the weight should be heavy enough to allow only 8 reps, actually you should only be able to get 6 reps with great difficulty on the 6th, but you need to continue on to fight for those last 2 reps, it should be an absolute struggle to get those last two reps. That's where the muscle growth is. You always need someone there to watch over you when you are performing reps like these. On your next visit you should aim for 9 reps, then 10, 11 and 12, these reps should also be a struggle. When the time comes that you can force out 12 reps with great difficulty, it's time to up the weight.

How many sets for muscle growth?

Not counting warm ups, 1 good heavy set is enough to induce muscle growth, if done correctly to total muscular failure, however, very few people can or know how to use the 1 set principle correctly so 2 to 3 heavy sets is usually better to ensure muscle growth stimulation. Anything above 3 sets per exercise is usually a waste of time and recovery energy.

How many days a week should I workout?

You should workout 2 to 4 days a week and no more. You simply cannot fully recover and grow when you are working out 5 and six days a week. It usually takes 48 to 72 hours for a muscle group to recover from an intense weight training session. Only until after full body recovery will muscle growth happen. An every other day routine is good.

What exercises should I be doing for muscle mass?

You should be doing the heavy basic exercises like squats, dead lifts, and basic presses. These are the exercises when done correctly and safely will produce the best results for muscle mass. The "simple" isolation exercises can be added on later when you have gained a respectable amount of muscle from the basics. Don't waste your energy doing isolations if your goal is muscle mass fast.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rest and Recovery Basics

Getting Enough Sleep

Its highly recommend you get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. Sleep requirements are an individual thing. Some people need more rest while others need less rest. Weight lifting and cardio do require that you get a little more sleep than you may be accustomed to. You will soon learn how much sleep you really need. Do not underestimate the power of sleep! I’ve been there. The times that I’ve had trouble getting enough sleep are the times when my progress has stalled. Lack of sleep affects everything – your mindset especially. Lack of sleep can cause you to miss workouts, lose motivation, and more! If you work on getting enough sleep to recover properly from your workouts, I guarantee your results will improve. Take naps to catch up on sleep if needed. Go to bed 30 minutes earlier than normal. Relax and sleep well. Wake up feeling refreshed each morning. Your body will thank you for the extra sleep by giving you even better results. You can sleep too much! If you are one of those people that sleep too much, get up and get going. This can lead to laziness. Get the sleep you need and stop there. Too much sleep can do something bad for you!

Decreasing Stress

If you want optimal results, you’ll need to keep stress at a minimum. High levels of stress changes the whole environment inside your body and can stop your progress immediately. There’s no need to get stressed out about things in life. Most of the things we worry about are nothing. We can’t even change many of the things we worry about on a daily basis. Ask yourself, “In 5 years will I even remember worrying about this? Is it really that important?” You will most likely answer no to everything you’re worrying about. Don’t let others bother you or stress you out for no reason! One of my biggest stressors is driving. I have a hard time driving through traffic each and every day with people that don’t even realize they’re driving. They don’t pay attention, they talk on their cell phone, they cause wrecks, and they don’t realize they are driving a deadly weapon. I have learned to not let it bother so much. I watch out for everyone and try to anticipate actions taken by other drivers. If you pay attention, you can actually foresee some drivers making some stupid decisions. Stay calm even in stressful situations. There’s no need to get upset. This will keep your stress levels low and will help you feel better throughout the day. And it may even keep you from doing something stupid. Take breaks from life throughout the day. Deep breaths always help relieve tension.


Overtraining is a very sensitive subject for many people. Most of the so called Internet “experts” have never learned the true meaning of overtraining. Some people will tell you that you’re overtraining by working out 4-5 days per week. Others will tell you you’re overtraining without knowing the intensity of your workout and without knowing your recovery abilities. If you ever see anyone tell someone else that they are overtraining simply by looking at their schedule and workout, you can immediately write this person off as a “want-to-be” expert. The person has no idea what they are talking about. Overtraining is an individual thing. It depends on your recovery abilities, the sleep you get, your diet, water intake, intensity of your workouts, frequency of your workouts, amount of cardio, genetics, and more! So no one can ever tell you that you’re overtraining. Only you will know that you’re overtraining. If you are making progress in the gym, you are doing great. If you are gaining strength in the gym, you are not overtraining. If your strength gains slow to a halt and you’ve been lifting for a few months, you are getting closer to the overtraining edge. You never want to reach overtraining, so the best strategy is to take a one week break from weight lifting and cardio when the strength gains come to a halt. Spend the week resting and eating the best foods. Never take a break from eating properly. If you do, you could lose all of the progress you’ve made over the past few months. The one week break will allow your body to fully recover. You can then start lifting weights and doing cardio again. Start with lighter weights than what you ended with and work your way back up.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cardiovascular Exercise Basics (Vol. - 2)

Know Your Target Heart Rate Zones

Measure your resting heart rate first. You can do this now if you’ve been sitting and relaxing for some time. If not, the best time to measure your resting heart rate is first thing in the morning upon waking. To measure your resting heart rate, you need a watch with a second hand. Find your pulse. I use my right index finger and find the pulse directly under my left jaw bone. Count the number of pulses in 60 seconds. That is your resting heart rate. Write it down.

Now you need to estimate your maximum heart rate. The easiest way to do this is to subtract your age from 220. Maximum heart rate equals 220 – Your Age.

Some more calculations and you will have your target heart rate zones for medium intensity steady state cardio…
Reserve = Maximum Heart Rate – Resting Heart Rate

60% of your Reserve = Lower Target
80% of your Reserve = Higher Target
Lower Range = Resting Heart Rate + Lower Target
Higher Range = Resting Heart Rate + Higher Target
Go through the calculations above and write them down as you go.

Here’s another example:

Reserve = 191 – 60 = 131
Lower Target = 131 x 0.60 = 79
Higher Target = 131 x 0.80 = 105
Lower Range = 60 + 79 = 139
Higher Range = 60 + 105 = 165

So, my target heart range zone for medium intensity cardio is 139 beats per minute to 165 beats per minute. I would use a heart rate monitor to ensure I stay within those target zones throughout my cardio session…

Heart Rate Devices In Market

A heart rate watch allows you to monitor your heart rate throughout a cardio session. A heart rate watch also tracks the number of calories which you have burned along with other important pieces of information. The best thing about a heart rate device is the fact that it gives you a common point of reference between activities. You don’t need those fancy machines telling you how many calories you have burned. Some machines will grossly overestimate while others will tell you you’ve burned next to nothing. You don’t need to use the displays on machines when you have a heart rate monitor. You can go jogging one day, swimming the next, cycling the next, and you’ll be able to compare what you’ve done between all activities with a heart rate watch. You can’t do that any other way! You need a heart rate watch to ensure you stay within your target zones throughout your cardio session. This makes it very easy for you.

Approved Activities for your Heart

Its highly recommend you alternate cardio sessions between a few different machines or a few different activities. 2 to 3 different activities should do the trick and will keep your body from adapting. If you need a good list of cardiovascular activities that keep your cardio workouts fun, challenging, and interesting, please see the list below.

Rowing Machine

Elliptical Trainers


Stepper Machine

Spinning Cycle

Recumbent Bike 

The machines shown are not the only activities you can do. Machines in your home are very convenient and allow you to do your cardio workouts at any time. They are very helpful! But you’ll probably want to get outside with the fresh air and sun every now and then. Outside activities keep cardio fun and interesting!

Here are some other great cardio activities :

Climbing Stairs
Roller Blading
Jumping Rope

Any of the above activities are great cardiovascular activities. Have fun with them.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Cardiovascular Exercise Basics (Vol. - 1)

Cardiovascular exercise is one of the most important types of exercise that you can do. Yet, I see the so called “experts” tells people they don’t need to do cardio if they want to gain maximum amounts of muscle. Please do not listen to those people! You need to include at least 3 cardio sessions per week into your program for at least 30 minutes each session up to a maximum of 1 hour per session. You can increase/decrease cardio as needed to continue progress. Cardio is a requirement of the Fitness Program because it’s important foryou and your health. If you choose not to do cardio, you are making a huge mistake! Cardio keeps you healthy, helps you recover faster from workouts, increases your appetite, increases your energy throughout the day, burns extra body fat, and more! There’s just too many awesome benefits not to include cardio in your program.

3.1. Types of Cardio

I divide cardio into 4 different types. These are my definitions as others may divide cardio into other categories…
Low intensity, steady state
Medium intensity steady state
High intensity steady state
High intensity interval training (HIIT)

I highly recommend medium intensity steady state cardio along with some high intensity interval training when needed. In order to perform medium intensity steady state cardio, you need to know your target heart rate zones for the medium intensity range. You also need to know how to easily monitor your heart rate throughout a cardio session. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Diet and Nutrition Basics (Vol. 3)

Number of Meals

You need to eat about 6 meals per day. You need a lean protein source every 3 hours. This gives your body the building blocks it needs to build muscle. Eat soon after you wake up all the way up until your bed time. Ensure you give your body a good meal once every 3 hours. Do not wake up in the middle of the night to have a meal. Continuous sleep is more important. Have a slow digesting source of protein before bed time instead of waking yourself up to eat. Have 6 meals per day on average. 5 to 7 is fine when spaced 3 hours apart.

Water Intake
You need to stop drinking any other beverage besides water. You can have a few other drinks each week such as diet sodas or crystal light, but limit those to only a few per week. Everyone should be drinking around a gallon or 128 ounces of water per day. If you’re eating a high amount of calories, increase your water intake. If you live in a hot and humid climate, increase your water intake. If you are very active throughout the day, increase your water intake.
Water should be consumed throughout the day and especially around and during your workouts. If you stay fully hydrated throughout the day, you will make faster progress! This is the truth.

Basic Calorie Cycling
If you plan your diet around your workouts and eat normally besides the extra calories from pre and post workout meals, you are using a method of calorie cycling. Calorie cycling gives amazing results because you keep your body off
guard with higher and then lower calorie intakes. Here’s an example of calorie cycling. Notice the higher calorie days on Day 1, Day 3, and Day 5:

Day 1    Day 2    Day 3    Day 4    Day 5    Day 6    Day 7
3000     2500      3000     2500     3000     2500      2500

Making Adjustments
Making adjustments to your diet and always striving to improve your diet is one of the keys to making quick, continuous, and consistent progress. Your body will adapt to anything, so you have to be willing to make adjustments to continue making progress. Other programs never adjust anything and you waste your precious time working hard for no reason! One of the easiest adjustments you can make to your diet is improving your food choices. I would never change anything until you are making the best food choices. All calories are not created equal. The better foods you eat, the better your results. That simple change alone will help you make faster progress. Increasing and decreasing the number of calories in your diet will help you continue to make progress. This can be tricky, though. You do not want to decrease your calories so much that your body begins to burn muscle for energy and hold onto body fat because it feels threatened.

Diet and Nutrition Basics (Vol. 2)

The Best Food Sources :
You need to be eating only the best sources of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. I’m giving you only the best sources here – there are more, but this is a good start. The better choices you make, the better results you get!

Lean Protein Sources
· Lean Beef 96% Preferred
· Lean Beef 92% Good
· Lean Red Meat
· Pork Tenderloin
· Whole Eggs (limit)
· Egg Whites
· Lowfat Cottage Cheese
· Skim Milk
· Chicken Breast
· Turkey Breast
· Ground Turkey
· Duck
· Lowfat Yogurt
· Protein Powders
· Venison
· Mutton
· Salmon
· Tilapia
· Other Fish
· Tuna
· Shrimp
· Crab
· Lobster
· Any Lean Meats

Natural Carb Sources
· Oats
· Bran
· Barley
· Wheat
· Rye
· Beans
· Potatoes
· Brown Rice
· Apples
· Bananas
· Grapefruit
· Oranges
· Berries
· Grapes
· Tomatoes
· Tangerines
· Romaine Lettuce
· Cabbage
· Spinach
· Broccoli
· Celery
· Squash
· Peppers
· Greens

Essential Fat Sources
· Fish Oil
· Flax Oil
· Fish
· Flaxseed
· Walnuts
· Sesame Oil
· Safflower Oil
· Sunflower Oil
· Soybean Oil
· Almonds
· Pecans
· Peanuts
· Peanut Butter
· Sunflower Seeds
· Olives
· Olive Oil
· Avocados
· Cashews

No one forces you to put anything in your body. Make the right choices and make the best progress of your life.

Your diet and the foods you eat is one of the most important factors for you getting the body you want in the shortest amount of time. Read that statement again. It’s vital that you understand that. You need to know how to combine the best sources of food into meals throughout the day. You need to know how to eat throughout the day for building muscle and burning fat. When you know how to eat properly for building muscle and burning fat, your results will vastly improve!

Diet and Nutrition Basics (Vol. 1)

Now you have the number of calories needed to start your diet. How many protein, carbohydrates, and fat grams do you need?

30% of calories from Protein
50% of calories from Carbohydrates
20% of calories from Fat

As an example, let’s say your starting calories came out to be 3000 calories. In order to get your targets for protein, carbs, and fat, you would need to do the following…

3000 x 30% = 3000 x 0.30 = 900 calories from Protein
3000 x 50% = 3000 x 0.50 = 1500 calories from Carbohydrates
3000 x 20% = 3000 x 0.20 = 600 calories from Fat

Protein and carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram while fat contains 9 calories per gram. 

Protein Target for 3000 Calorie Diet = 900 / 4 = 225 grams of Protein

Carb Target for 3000 Calorie Diet = 1500 / 4 = 375 grams of Carbs

Fat Target for 3000 Calorie Diet = 600 / 9 = 67 grams of Protein

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Weight Lifting Basics ( Level - 3)

A Proper Rep :

There are four parts of each rep that you do for any given exercise. Would you like to know what they are?

1. Lifting portion also known as the positive or concentric portion of a rep.

2. Peak contraction at the very top of each rep.

3. Lowering portion also known as the negative or eccentric portion of a rep.

4. Full stretch at the very bottom of each rep.

It’s a must that you do each rep with proper form. Do not stop short on the peak contraction, and do not stop short on the full stretch. Lift forcefully and lower the weight under control. The negative portion of each rep is the most important, but each part of every rep is very important. Have you ever seen someone do Pull Ups?

Most people stop short of a peak contraction and stop short of the full stretch and never get their chin above the bar. They are cheating on each rep because it’s easier that way. But they’re only fooling themselves because they’re not getting the full benefit of the exercise! Ensure that you concentrate on each and every rep. Do not cheat on your reps. Progress will be much faster when you perform reps properly. Reap the benefits of each and every rep when you use proper form.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Weight Lifting Basics ( Level - 4)

Warming Up Properly

Warming up before a workout and before each exercise is vital to your success! You will greatly decrease your risk of injury and you’ll increase your performance in the gym. You’ll be able to lift heavier weights throughout your workout, which will lead to faster results and bigger changes when you look in the mirror. There are two different warm ups that you’re going to need to do.First: a pre workout warm up is required before you touch any weights. Second: specific exercise warm ups need to be done to get you acclimated to a new exercise.

For the pre workout warm up, spend about 5 minutes on any cardio machine or cardiovascular activity such as jogging. Then do some jumping jacks followed by some body weight squats and push ups. For specific exercise warm ups, you need to follow these guidelines:

1. Never do more reps for a warm up set than the target number of reps for a working set. If you are going to be doing 10 reps on a working set, do not perform over 10 reps on a warm up set as an example.

2. Decrease the number of reps in each successive warm up set while increasing the weight.

3. Do more warm up sets at the beginning of your workout and less as you progress through your workout. Specific exercise warm ups are a requirement. You need to slowly increase the weight during warm up sets and allow your body to become acclimated to the new exercise before jumping straight into heavy weights.

Warm ups are very important so please treat them that way. Take your time and ensure you are warm before continuing with your workout.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Weight Lifting Basics ( Level - 2 )

The Best Exercises

Later in this manual, you’re going to find the Basic WLC Program weight lifting workout. The workout program uses only the best weight lifting exercises for building muscle and strength:

1: The Squat

2: The Deadlift

3: The Bench Press

4: The Pendlay Row

5: The Overhead Press

6: The Chin Up

7: The Dip

8: The Calf Raise

9: The Curl

10: The Extension

One of the best things you can do is to spend some time learning how to do these exercises properly. No one spends the time learning the exercises and many people waste years of progress. I’ve been there! Take it from someone who learned the hard way. Take your time studying the exercises, practicing, and learning how to do them properly. I really can’t stress this enough. You can start this program and take your time learning the exercises. This program was developed to help you learn the proper methods for lifting weights. Do not get in a hurry. Take your time and perfect your form.

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